We install flat roofs in Richmond, Va

Roof problems are caused by cheap details.

We excel at details so you know you have a quality roof.

What We Do

This is a flat roof called TPO (Thermoplastic Polyolefin) a single ply membrane.

On this project the roof was leaking because as the roof aged the deck warped causing water ponding. That ponding froze over allowing the ice to pull the previous membrane apart. Eventually water sucked into the decking through capillary suction and leaked into the house.

Our solution to remedy the leak was to install a slope out of insulation called Tapered Poly Iso. This slope pushes water away from preventing ponding and ice damming.

We began by tearing off the previous roof membrane. Then we covered the decking boards with ice and water shield for temporary protection in case it rained while we worked.

After the tear off we installed the tapered insulation by screwing it to the roof. Then we glued TPO to the insulation and heat welded the seams together. We installed drip edge on the roof eave to prevent wind up lift. Lastly we installed termination bar on the walls to secure TPO in place so it doesnt tear away from the wall during expansion and contraction.

For more information about the tapered poly iso insulation visit:


For more Information on TPO visit:
