We Install Slate Roofs in Richmond, Va

Roof problems are caused by cheap details.

We excel at details so you know you have a quality roof.

Details on this roof:

Buckingham Slate Roof

  • Buckingham Slate rated for 250 years

Batten System Airflow

Vented Saddle Ridge

  • Side lapped ridge detail that allows allows air to move from eave of roof and escape through the ridge

Low Sloped Standing Seam Copper Roof

  • 16 oz cold rolled copper standing seam mechanical roof

  • Double locked for low pitch rain and snow loads

  • Hand seamed wall abutment and transition details for expansion and contraction

Brass Berger Snow Guards

No Caulk or Exposed Fasteners

  • We use cleats and hidden fasteners so there is no need to caulk which dries out and leaks after a few years