Repointing Hips and Ridges with Rubberized Roof Cement
What We Do
As your home settles the ridge may begin to open. Repointing the ridge with roof cement closes the gap between the ridge slates to provide protection from incoming water. While this is not a permanent fix, this may buy you time until you can relay your ridge tiles with saddle ridge flashing or install a permanent ridge cap.
The main concern when repointing a ridge is doing the job without walking on the slate. First we scale the roof using chicken ladders and then we use cushions whenever we sit on the ridge.
The first step in this process is chipping out any old roof cement. The we take a trowell and push the cement into the ridge so its not just sitting on top. After that is done we smooth it out so water doesn’t pond in the grooves created by the trowell. It is alweays important to use rubberized roof cement in this process as regular asphalt roof cement will dry and crack due to the sun’s UV rays within a year.
This should buy you 3-4 years of protection on the ridge.