Job Example of Restoring a Metal Roof

What We Do

To repair or restore a metal roof often all that is needed is a new coat of paint.

On this job started by prepping the roof. This involves laying tarps around the perimeter of the roof to catch paint chips and taping up the wood work to prevent overspray from hitting the house.

We scraped off the loose paint with paint scrapers. Then we power washed the roof. The first pass of the power washer loosens the paint. The second pass knocks the loose paint off. Once the loose paint it gone, we nuetralized the rust using oxalic acid. This prevents the rust from spreading and bleeding through the paint.

Once the roof is clean, we used a seam patch kit to cover any pin holes forming in the standing seam metal pans. After the patching was dried we then coat the roof with direct to metal primer. Once the primer cured we followed up by painting the metal roof with two coats of elastometric roof paint.

This will give the house another 7-10 years of life. This entire process is not always necessary but given the neglect over the years we had to use additional measures to repair this metal roof.